Live streaming from Columbia business School in New York city. My name is Bruce. Welcome to the final session of the 13th Columbia China business conference. Home to value investing, Columbia business school is at the forefront of the theoretical development and practices of value investing.
Given the ever changing global dynamics and market uncertainties, what are the potential advancements on unwavering fundamentals of value investing? How should practitioners realize about investing in China?
Joining us today are Professor Bruce Greenwald and Mr. Li Lu.
今天参加我们论坛的嘉宾是Bruce Greenwald教授和李录先生。
Professor Bruce Greenwald is the founding director of the Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing at Columbia business school. It"s a leading voice in value investing.
Bruce Greenwald教授是哥伦比亚学商学院哥雷厄姆和多德投资法海尔布伦中心的创始主任,他是一位价值投资的主要倡导者。
Mr. Li Lu is the founder and chairman of Himalaya Capital, a multi-billion dollar investment firm that primarily focus on long-term investment opportunities in Asia and the US. He"s a distinguishing alumnus of Columbia, and Mr. Li Lu currently serves as a member of the board of trustees of Columbia University. Mr. Li Lu has in-depth knowledge about the Chinese market. His insights are trusted by investment legends like Buffett and Munger.
Professor Greenwald routinely won plaudits for his classes and has trained a generation of value investors, including Mr. Li Lu himself. Mr. Li Lu has in-depth knowledge about the Chinese market. His insights are trusted by investment legends like Buffett and Munger.
Bruce Greenwald教授在哥大商学院开办的价值投资课程一直受到学生们的追捧,并培养了一代的价值投资者,其中就包括李录先生本人。李录先生对中国市场有着深入的了解,他对中国市场的洞见得到了巴菲特和芒格等投资传奇人物的认可。
Now, imagine yourself stepping into the most overcrowded investment classroom at one of the best business schools across the globe. Welcome professor Greenwald and Mr. Li.
现在,想象你自己身处世界上最好的商学院最拥挤的投资课堂上,让我们欢迎Bruce Greenwald教授和李先生。
I think this is gonna be a rare privilege for everybody. I"ve only known Li Lu for more than 20 years and not only is he a great investor, but he"s a great conversationalist. So why don"t we just start out by talking about how your investment philosophy has changed? Because value investing is, after all, always an evolving field, since you began the field, literally, I think I would say, 25 years ago? 20 years ago?
(Mr. Li Lu: More like 28, hahaha.)
How time flies! So how has it evolved? How have you been influenced by people like Charlie Munger and so on? Go ahead.
Well so before I started, I just want to, first of all, thank you for all the organizers of this great conferences. I mean, look at all the speakers, they are just really unbelievable. The quality of the student has dramatically improved since I was the student there, so thank you for all for that wonderful work of putting together this great conferences.
首先我想感谢这次大会的主办者(哥大商学院中国学生会)!我看了大会的议程,这次论坛受邀嘉宾的规格之高令人难以置信,说明今天哥大商学院学生的质量与我当年相比已经有了戏剧性的提升!非常感谢你们做出的所有工作,才将所有的要素汇聚在一起,办成了这么棒的一个论坛。我非常的荣幸和高兴受邀来跟Bruce Greenwald教授一起参加这场讨论。
In fact, I got into this field really because of Professor Green Greenwald’s class. I think that, you know, basically you got Buffett to come to speak to a student rally, roughly 28 years ago. And it was really that first lecture that really got me into this field. So thank you so much.
And of course, I later, as a business school student, took all of the courses that Professor Green Greenwald offered and learned a great deal, made a lot of money too, so thank you.
Yeah, So the philosophy is that, it is you know uh relatively simple, the practice is really hard. So I wouldn"t say the philosophy really evolved all that much for me. Before I got really exposed to value investing through Buffett"s lecture at Professor Bruce Greenwald"s class, I think my whole approach to life was pretty much a set along similar lines, and so there"s not much of a jump for me.
The idea of uh buying something at a discount for something that really worth more, is simply intelligent. So I would say that almost all intelligent investing involves some kind of value investing. And now the difference is it is that your focus on value evolves over time. And to different individuals, they tend to focus on different areas of that.
For me, when I first started as a value investor, this is now 27 or 28 years ago, when I bought my first stock, I don"t really know much about business. I know I was born and raised in China during the Cultural Revolution. There was not much of a private business or open market economy back then. So I have to learn everything anew.
So at the beginning, obviously look for value primarily on the balance sheet, in the classic style of Benjamin Graham, looking for a cigarette butt, looking for the last puff basically, looking for statistically cheap businesses, and ignore what the business really is, and that served me well.
And that over time I evolved into understanding smaller businesses.And because I was just intensively curious about how businesses run, so much so, I actually involved into health funding or co-creating a dozen or so early-stage start-up companies. And that experience has taught me a lot about how business run, what constitute a good or bad or mediocre businesses.
And so over time I evolved into looking for really good businesses, small maybe, but really good business. and then that lead me to look for good businesses in Asia, and eventually for businesses with enduring competitive advantage with some long growth trajectory ahead.
And so the places we"re looking for value, evolves over time. But the basic philosophy has pretty much remained the same. It"s just our core competence expanded over time.
Now I"ve been very fortunate to be influenced at the very beginning by the investment giant, Buffett and Munger.And later on, I was really really lucky, and it was really just a stroke of luck, that you can"t even make it up in fictions, that I strike a good connection with Charlie Munger, and became an investor in 2003 or 2004, and we"ve been partners. Since then, basically, he has been a mentor, an investor, a business partner and a great friend all this years.
And for many many years we"ve been, we have dinner every Tuesday night. That"s my version of a "Tuesday night with Charlie" every week(similar to "Tuesday afternoon with Morrie"). That lasted for years until just right around the pandemic, and we talk a lot more.
So obviously I had a great deal of influence by him. But I have to say that the greatest influence from Charlie, was really beyond just the investment. He was more of a role model and the way he conducted himself in real life. Now, I think for every profession, everybody, it is wonderful to have models in life. And often we find role model among the eminent dead, because it is safer.
It is pretty risky to pick a role model who is still alive and there is always a risk of disappointment.But in my case, I got really really lucky in the sense that my role model never failed me and instead continued to inspire me right into his 97th year.
And so mostly it is really basically his attitude towards life and his ability to keep equanimity in a sense, in the face of ups and downs, successes or setbacks, and I witness quite a bit of them over the 17 years or so we"ve been working closely, and to maintain that rational composure, common sensical approach to all problems, investment or life. That is extraordinarily hard. And it is a bit of, I guess, against every natural tendencies.
I"ve really watched closely, up close and in person how Charlie had conducted himself and it is in their regard that he is probably the most influential person in my life. And I have been very, very lucky in that regard.
But then what other dimensions do you do things differently today than other investors who are less successful?
I don"t spend my time study a hundred people doing that that way. We spend most of our time studying industries, studying specific companies. We"re looking for the ones who are really successful, trying to answer what really makes them successful? Can that success be continued?
And so and most of the time but we don"t have an answer. We just keep studying and keep at it. And sometimes we study for years and years before you see. we really get it and then we will wait for price to come to our striking zone and a lot of the time they don"t. And so that makes our selection very, very difficult. so when we do select them, we tend to really own them for very very long time.
Because the business is where they are really good and we really fully understand and are very rare. And how do you mean when you really do you understand, so anything that we would own we would buy a lot more as they go down.
How do you start?
Yeah, if they go, that"s 50% is 60% of the brand we buy more. So that really gives you a measure of our definition of whether we understand them.
Do you prefer to be a generalist or a specialist investor? And would one work better in the Chinese market than the other?
Well in a sense, you always want to be a generalist, uh, in terms of a student of businesses. And you’re interested, you know, you have to have to be good at this game, you have to have the innate intensive curiosity about the business, all kinds of businesses. It doesn’t mean you’re going to really get to the bottom of it. Oftentimes you don’t if you’re honest with yourself.
But by the time you really get into the companies you really decided to invest, you really better become a true specialist. And to the point you really know,hopefully better than anybody in the world you can find, including the top management team, the top management team, because they manage the company, they tend to be, uh deeply personally vested in their own biases, and may not be able to look at the business as objectively rationally as you do.
So that’s a really test, so you want to be a true specialist in the company you chose to really invest. But you want to be a generalist always of business in general. So that your core confidence, your circle of confidence constantly evolving and enlarging over time.
If I still really know what I knew when I started, when I first took your class, where would you first invest with, we will not really have anywhere near the results, and we both enjoyed,so luckily that, that we continue to expand, and we continue to learn.But on the other hand, it is a fascinating to see that how business evolved over the last few decades will continue to evolve in the next few decades and that really makes me feel that boy, I’m lucky to choose this field that I get paid to, really satisfy my curiosity and to learn from all these great people and great enterprises serving society, so I feel happy everyday doing what I do.
OK, so in terms of value investing education you actually played a big role in promoting and advocating value investing from the books to actually underwrote this class that we talked about where I went to Beijing University, and I think it still survives. What’s your vision for the kind of education that a new investor should embrace and where that education might be available?
Well, first of all, thank you, Bruce, for come to teach at the Beijing University value investing class that my colleague Jin Chang and I started 6 years ago, and now is 6 years and still running, and running very well. And you have played an important role to that.
I think our original inspiration for that class was really based on pretty much your class. And your class is pretty much inspired and the continuation of the Ben Graham"s class, and Graham and Dodd, and which had among others, Warren Buffett as a student, and I"m your student. There will be many more, much brighter investors coming after us, and that"s a good thing. So we"re trying to do our part, to really to pass on the philosophy, the thinking, and the practical parts of value investing, to the next generation, in a sense.
So, in terms of a younger student, when you started today, so I think a few things will be important. When I talk to young students and people who started out, trying to get into the field, I say several things that is important.
You need to always adopt a owner"s mentality. And so I like to really ask a young student or an analyst at our firm basically to imagine, all of a sudden that one of your unknown uncle died and handed over 100% ownership to the company to you, and that"s the business you are going to study, so any company, think of the starting point that way.And once you really, kind of, think on your own 100% that way, your mentality is totally different.
So you never know that business existed, now you own 100% of it. You have no idea how to run it. You don’t know the people who will run it. What do you do? A lot of the things you know, you don"t understand. You just know the facts, you don"t understand it, but that"s ok, you are gonna continue to learn, until you get 100% of it.
And even if then, because of the constant change, you"re gonna to continue to evolve you knowledge of it. Now if you adopt that mentality, study any businesses, you will have really started the process of becoming a real value investor. So that"s the first thing.
The second thing is you really want to maintain intellectual honesty and that is very very very important. You have to be really honest of what you know, what you assume, what you pretend unsubconsciously, and what you don’t know, how do you really know that.
One of the things that Charlie have talked about that I think make the most sense is that I"m never entitled to have a view, until I can find the smartest people on the planet who took the other side of that view and I can argue better that opposition than he does, and when I can do that, I would be entitled to have a view. Same thing applies to investing in a sense that, that intellectual honesty is a good life philosophy to begin with. It is critical, it is vital when it comes to investment.
Because as I said, the security market always exists to a point, to really to find your weaknesses, your dishonesty, your pretension, your bushy-mushy knowledges, and if you do not really possess that fundamental attitude of intellectual honesty, you"ll be destroyed at some point during this, during your career by the financial market. It was always designed that way to catch you.
Can I, can I say something about that, because It was better designed that way. Every time you buy a security, thinking it"s going to do well, somebody else is selling you that security thinking it"s going to do bad, and vice versa. And one of you is always wrong. So you better be sure that you"re the one that"s on the right side of that transaction.
Well, it is, there is some zero-sum aspect, but not always.
Oh, no, it"s a hundred percent zero-sum. The average return to all investors in any asset class and therefore in all all asset classes, is the average return to all those assets, it brings out ...
I just take a slight different view, but I"m never going to argue against my professors.
I’m just gonna say…
Let’s just agree to disagree. That’s OK. It’s a fair point. It is a fair point. Another thing I would say is that you want to really devote as much time as possible to study the history of the businesses, and the history of the great businessmen in the past. The more you study more companies, the better you are when it comes to judgement on good opportunities and the judgment about fundamental characteristics of the company of interest.
And so, I say all three things are important:
1. to start with the 100% owner mentality,
2. to continue to train yourself to have a high degree of intellectual honesty,
3.and lastly to be really a thorough student of the history of the businesses.
All three things are really going to be very helpful if you are beginning to get into the field of investment or you want to really improve your game. So that"s my advice to the students.
That"s good advice. I"m not going to argue with that.
When you look back over your own career, are there things that whether at Columbia Business School or in your career since then, you would have done differently that would have helped you get to where you are today sort of more quickly and more easily?
Yeah well, when I look back, I feel extraordinarily lucky and I feel nothing but gratitude. I feel lucky to accidentally stepped into Buffett"s lecture at your class basically, at the first time he came. I feel extraordinarily lucky that when I got into the business and that I stroke up a relationship with Mr. Charlie Munger. I feel extraordinarily fortunate to live in a period of time when both the United States and China are going through a fundamental economic growth and provide enormous amount of opportunity that I happen to really know both markets well. And so, I look back at my career, I feel nothing but gratitude.
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